How to prepare for JEE Advanced 2024?

The IIT-JEE Advanced entrance exam is conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology for students to enroll in IITs. It is renowned for its high level of competition, complexity, and demanding preparation requirements. The exam assesses not only a student's proficiency in science subjects but also their ability to manage stress and time effectively. Despite the formidable challenges posed by the exam, aspiring engineers aspire to succeed in it. The JEE Advanced entrance exam is scheduled to take place on May 26, 2024.

While numerous students possess the capability to excel in the JEE-Advanced exam, some refrain from attempting it due to its perceived difficulty level. However, every student who has cleared the JEE Mains must try to clear the JEE Advanced. The JEE Advanced registration will begin in April 2024 and admit cards for JEE Advanced will be out from around May 17, 2024. This exam is difficult but with proper guidance and hard work from the students, it is an achievable task. The exam evaluates candidates' English comprehension, rationality, and analytical skills. Students need to know advanced-level problems in chemistry, physics, and math, placing more emphasis on their practical emphasis than on their theories. Solving math problems is essential for preparing for this exam.

Jee Advance Exam Hall

Syllabus of JEE Advanced 2024


General Topics, Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Electricity and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Modern Physics


General Topics, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Solid State, Solutions, Surface Chemistry, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Hydrogen,s-Block Elements,p-Block Elements,d-Block Elements,f-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Isolation of Metals, Principles of Qualitative Analysis, Environmental Chemistry, Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes, Benzene, Phenols, Alkyl Halides, Alcohols, Ethers, Aldehydes and Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, Amines, Haloarenes, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Practical Organic Chemistry


Sets, Relations, Functions, Algebra, Matrices, Probability and Statistics, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Vectors

JEE Advanced Exam Pattern

The Exam Pattern for JEE Advanced consists of two mandatory papers (paper 1 and paper 2). Some more important information regarding exams is:

  1. The exam is conducted in a computer-based test format.

  2. The exam is available in both the languages, Hindi and English.

  3. The question paper consists of three sections; physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

  4. The question type is both a multiple choice and a numerical answer type.

  5. The marking scheme is different for different types of questions. There is a negative marking for multiple-choice questions and no negative marking for numerical-type questions.

  6. Each paper has a duration of 180 minutes (three hours).

  7. Both papers are conducted on the same day, paper one in the morning and paper two usually conducted in the afternoon.

Here are some of the tips to crack the JEE Advanced 2024

  1. Completing the Previous Year's Question Papers (PYQs) is an essential aspect of exam preparation that involves thoroughly studying and answering questions from past examinations. Obtain previous year's question papers from reliable sources such as educational websites, exam preparation books, or official exam authorities. Categorize the question papers based on subjects or topics relevant to your upcoming exam. This organization helps to focus your revision efforts effectively.

  2. Review key equations from each chapter in math, chemistry, and physics to gain an advantage while answering questions. It is an effective strategy to enhance your understanding and problem-solving skills in these subjects. Identify and compile key equations, formulas, and theorems from each chapter, covering topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, chemistry, and physics.

  3. Avoid beginning a new chapter or turning to a new book in the final week before the JEE Advanced exam. In the final week leading up to the exam, your priority should be to solidify your understanding of concepts you've already covered rather than introducing new material. Revisiting familiar topics allows you to reinforce your grasp of key concepts and formulas.

  4. For revision, consult your handwritten notes for revision, consulting your handwritten notes is an invaluable strategy to consolidate your understanding and reinforce key concepts. Handwritten notes are typically concise and to the point, capturing essential information from lectures, textbooks, and other study resources. 

  5. Take a five to ten-minute break to de-stress, this will help you focus better and lessen mental tiredness. Taking regular breaks during study sessions is crucial for maintaining optimal focus, reducing mental fatigue, and promoting overall well-being. Short breaks allow the brain to rest and recharge, restoring cognitive function and enhancing learning retention.

  6. Stick to a regular sleep schedule of 6 to 7 hours daily and prioritize eating wholesome, home-cooked meals. Adequate sleep is vital for the body's physical health and functioning. Getting 6 to 7 hours of sleep each night supports immune function, metabolism, hormone regulation, and cardiovascular health.

  7. Taking out a few minutes of relaxation or meditation could help you stay composed and concentrated. Relaxation and meditation help clear the mind of cluttered thoughts and distractions, allowing you to focus more effectively on tasks and goals. By quieting the mental chatter, you can enhance mental clarity and concentration, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

  8. Keep a record of your weaknesses and strengths by documenting your weaknesses and strengths, you gain a deeper understanding of your abilities, limitations, and areas for improvement. This heightened self-awareness allows you to make more informed decisions and take proactive steps to address areas of weakness.

The demanding and fiercely competitive JEE Advanced test in India greatly influences aspiring engineers' academic and professional prospects. In addition to assessing topic knowledge, it strongly emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, preparing applicants for the difficulties of the quickly changing engineering industry.


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