From Classroom to Assembly Line: Students Gain Hands-on Experience at Havells Factory

Industrial Tour by Lords students. Visit at Havell's factory

Educational visits provide students with valuable real-world experiences that enhance their learning beyond the confines of a classroom. One such enlightening visit was organised by Lords Business School and Lords School of Computer Applications & IT to the Havells industrial set-up, a renowned company known for its innovative electrical products. Students acquired the educational benefits of this visit, shedding light on the manufacturing process, technological advancements, and insights gained into the world of electrical engineering.

Discovering the Manufacturing Process

Visiting the Havells factory offered students a unique opportunity to witness the intricate manufacturing process of electrical products. From raw materials to finished goods, students observed each step of production, gaining a comprehensive understanding of how electrical components are designed, assembled, and tested. They witnessed the efforts invested in ensuring quality control measures and adherence to industry standards.

Exploring Technological Advancements

Havells is known for its commitment to technological innovation. During the visit, students witnessed firsthand the cutting-edge technologies employed in the production of electrical devices. From automated assembly lines to advanced machinery, they saw the integration of robotics and artificial intelligence, which have revolutionised the manufacturing industry. 

Insights from Industry Experts

Students got a chance to interact with experienced professionals who provided valuable insights into the electrical industry. Students got the opportunity to engage in discussions, ask questions, and learn from the expertise of engineers and technicians. This interaction offered a glimpse into the challenges, solutions, and trends prevalent in the field, fostering a sense of practical knowledge that goes beyond textbooks. They were told that Havells takes pride in maintaining a safe and ethical work environment as safety and ethics are paramount in any manufacturing industry, especially in electrical engineering. Through the visit, students witnessed the implementation of safety protocols, the importance of employee well-being, and the significance of responsible manufacturing practices.

Encouraging Sustainable Manufacturing

Sustainability is a global concern, and the Havells factory showcases its commitment to environmental responsibility. Students witnessed eco-friendly practices such as waste management, energy conservation, and use of renewable resources. This exposure highlighted the importance of sustainable manufacturing and equipped students with the knowledge to make conscious choices in their future careers.

Industrial Tour at Havell's factory by Lords students

This educational visit to the Havells factory offered students a transformative learning experience. By exploring the manufacturing process, witnessing the technological advancements, and engaging with the industry experts, students gained practical knowledge. Moreover, the visit underscores the significance of workplace safety, ethical practices, and sustainable manufacturing, instilling values that go beyond the academic curriculum. Such visits empower students to connect theory with practice, broadening their horizons and preparing them for a dynamic and innovative future in the electrical industry.


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