‘Colourful minds’ welcomed at Lords: Orientation 2021

By Sonali Pahuja

Lords University welcomed the batch of 2021 on 1st October’21. As per the custom, the orientation began with motivational speeches by the Chairman sir, Registrar sir, and respective department deans’ brought a spirit of enthusiasm among the crowd. For the students, interactive and interesting games were planned for them to make the most of their time at the event, along with a few unforgettable dance performance, song numbers. 

Code of conduct

All the Deans introduced their departments and gave important insights about each of their divisions. At Lords University, what we put at forefront discipline and all the students & parents were made aware about the attendance regulations and dress code. Not just that, but we also took all our new students on a campus tour to educate them about facilities offered at Lords.


Students were enlightened with the diverse clubs and societies for them to enroll themselves for out-of-the-class experience. As part of the government initiative, Anandam, various personality development activities are conducted at Lords which are mandatory for students to participate. 

Closing ceremony 

The mega event helped to build a connection between students and the university's socio-cultural fabric. Parents and students after lunch had personal interaction with teachers where our faculty answered all their questions and helped them discover more about the campus.


Internships in 2023 & Internship Drive at Lords