Spreading Awareness: Human Rights Club's Program Leaves a Lasting Impact

The Human Rights Club of Lords University recently organized a thought-provoking and enlightening human rights awareness program. The event aimed to shed light on the historical development of human rights and create awareness about the current status of national human rights.

The program was meticulously organized and implemented by Dr. Rashmi Somvanshi, the faculty in charge of the Human Rights Club. The esteemed main speaker for the event was Ms. Aditi Sharma, an Assistant Professor from the Lords School of Law, while the coordination of the event was expertly handled by Dr. Pradeep Prasanna.

The program commenced with a historical overview of human rights, tracing its roots from ancient civilizations to the modern era. Ms. Aditi Shama delved into the current status of human rights in India, shedding light on various aspects and issues pertaining to this crucial subject matter. Participants learned about landmark events such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the subsequent international conventions and treaties that have formed the foundation of human rights standards worldwide.

The awareness program also focused on the present-day scenario of human rights at the national level. Various aspects were discussed, including civil and political rights, economic and social rights, gender equality, and the rights of marginalized communities. Participants engaged in interactive sessions and discussions, sharing insights and personal experiences related to human rights issues.

The event provided a platform for students and faculty to explore the challenges and achievements in promoting and protecting human rights in the present era. It emphasized the importance of upholding human rights principles and fostering a culture of respect, equality, and justice in society.

By organizing such awareness programs, the Human Rights Club of Lords University is playing a crucial role in empowering individuals with knowledge about their rights and responsibilities. It aims to create a generation of informed advocates who can actively contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights, both nationally and globally.

Human Rights Awareness


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